Strategic Position Statement

Christian Financial Ministries provides English-speaking individuals and families Bible-based, unique, professional, personalized, and accountable financial teaching, training, mentoring, and coaching based on Jesus’ small group discipleship model. Jesus was in the business of making and training disciples so those disciples could help make and train other disciples to help make and train other disciples. Along the way each disciple learned to live by Kingdom principles, that is true. However, their chief motivation was not to just hold onto those Kingdom principles for themselves–it was also to pass them along to others. Jesus shows us that a disciple becomes more and more fully trained as he or she disciples others to disciple others.

  • Jesus’ discipleship model consists of four stages
    • The Telling Stage
    • The Showing Stage
    • The Doing Stage
    • The Sharing Stage
  • The best way to learn Bible-based financial principles is to follow this four-stage discipleship program. Most people do not live out Bible-based financial principles and applications because they stop at the Doing Stage. Our focus is to teach, train, mentor, and coach others to learn and act on the Sharing Stage and help others do the same. We accomplish this in part by providing donation-based services (our Donate It Forward program) to include the Financial Freedom God’s Way Online Academy. This singularly unique and highly accountable web-based program combines the best elements of individual, personal, and small group study practices that involve local outreach and community building, as well as leadership training.

At Last! Financial Freedom God’s Way is available for you!

Start Right Now To “Learn It, Live It, & Lead Others To It.”