Our Vital Objectives

Our Vital Objectives are general statements and, although unmeasurable, support one another. Over the next three to five years (2020-2026), as the Lord leads, we will prayerfully implement the following six Vital Objectives:

  • Encourage targeted, individual prayer to discover and confirm God’s plans.
  • Form and develop Loca, National, and International Ministry Prayer Teams.
  • Institute Scheduled Prayer Sessions with our Ministry and Leadership Team Members.
  • Reconstitute and expand our Board of Directors.
  • Form and develop Local, National, and International Boards of Advisors.
  • Develop Coach Certification and Re-Certification programs.
  • Grow Team Member satisfaction and retention rates.
  • Increase services per Ministry Team Member.
  • Create non-biased, blind methods to collect and analyze Ministry Team Member results.
  • Expand our service to existing Christian University and College partnerships.
  • Develop new Christian university and college partnerships.
  • Improve the quality and expand the types of ministry delivery methods.
  • Expand our professionally administered Social Media Program.
  • Rollout appropriate supplemental programs and tools.
  • Provide all ministry services and programs based on our “Donate It Forward” model.
  • Remain debt-free.
  • Keep a positive quarterly cash flow.
  • Develop a fundraising program.

Our Stop List

Our ministry stewardship strategy includes properly aligning our resources. This requires us to prayerfully decide which current ministry projects and practices to keep, adjust, or eliminate. Accordingly, this is our current Stop List:
  • Stop all live courses except local Seminars.
  • Eliminate traditional operating costs by using home offices.
  • Stop creating new program Internet program pages–recycle what we already have.
  • Defer outreach to other Christian Universities and Colleges. Focus on Aidan University.
  • Defer recruiting new Ministry Team Leaders. Focus on growing our current Ministry Team Leaders.
  • Do not pay for digital or print advertising by creating and posting our own material when possible.

Our Second Mile Service

Going the Second Mile comes from the book of Matthew. Jesus says, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” (Matthew 5:41)

In ministry, as it is in life, people have certain expectations: B Be nice, work hard, be ethical, and say “please” and “thank you.” We should do those things because it is right. It is expected. it is obligatory, and most of the time a compulsion that takes little. It is the First Mile.

Going the Second Mile ups the ante. It is the “above and beyond.” It is under-promising and over-delivering. It is analyzing Ministry Applications to find what people value and to discover their expectations. it is sending personal emails, making personal phone calls, and listening. It is helping Team Members work through a financial crisis. It is sending electronic birthday cards and personally responding to their Blogs, Prayer Requests, and Praise Reports. It is making available to any Ministry Team member any of our published content to use as the Lord directs–all at no charge.

Going the Second Mile means putting others before yourself in a world that is all too often about “me, me, me.”

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